Sunday 31st July – Pentecost 11

I’ve been on holiday for a fortnight, hence the recent silence.   This week, and for another four, I will be frustrating to those who are following the RCL Lectionary.   For tomorrow and August I’m moving to the Narrative Lectionary and focussing on 2 Corinthians.   This week’s theme is “Consolation”.

Call to Worship

Grace and peace from God

and from the Lord Jesus Christ

surround this place

and all of life.

Blessed by God with mercy and comfort,

we gather in our experience of laughter and joy,

sorrow and pain,

to grow in hope and love,

and then console beyond our own frame

that others may know the love of Christ.


With the experience of ordinary living

and this day,

we come,

to be issued of the Lord’s grace and mercy.

Then may we rise anew,

called to lives that speak of Christ.


Let us worship God…


Opening Prayer

Blessed Creator,

who gathers all within a loving embrace,

You are to be praised

for the hope and mercy

brought into human experience.

When doubt and cynicism cloud vision,

You shed light,

capturing imagination

so that fresh thought

may give way to new innovations.

We praise You

for our experience of love and kindness

found in the thoughts and words

of others.

We praise You

for the fresh dawn of each day

that urges us

to begin anew.


Consoling Presence,

You know the thoughts that stir,

and the actions taken,

and so we acknowledge

that we do not always respond in love.

Forgive us for our hardness of heart,

and free us to live

withering to offer compassion.


Empowering Spirit,

as we walk in the grace of God,

call us to offer mercy to all

in Christ’s name.



Dedication of Offering

Rejoicing in Your presence,

Comforter of hearts,

we look for ways

in which we can offer a little of our life and love.

We bring these gifts

from our working lives and talents,

thankful for all we have,

and willing to share

that others may find

the comfort of the living God.




Prayers of the People


Rejoicing in Your presence, living Lord,

we thank You for what we know of You

because others shared their experiences of faith.

We thank You for those who taught and told stories

of a living, hopeful presence

of God revealed in Jesus Christ,

so that peace and love would reign

within our own lives.



No matter our age

there are always opportunities to learn.

As we give thanks for inspiring moments,

we remember those

for whom the simmer months

allow time to reflect on working lives.

We pray for children, young people and students,

teachers and lecturers,

as they delight in the creation around.

We give thanks for fight shared in holidays clubs and Messy churches,

and we seek the encouragement

to act upon the moments when we know we are to share our own faith.



In this unsettled world

we pray for peace.

We remember the people across the world this week

whose lives have been shaken by terrorism.

We pray for life lost in the actions of others,

and we pray for the perpetrators.

We pray for families mourning loved ones,

or waiting hopeful news.

And we long for peace.

Peace that comes from recognising the sacred nature of life,

and respecting differences,

while searching for common purpose.



If our common purpose is to love and value

all human life,

then stretch our hearts,

that we may become the hands and voices

that bring comfort and justice

to those who are hungry,

homeless and hurting.



We pray for those who are seen as powerful,

for governments, monarchs and heads of state,

that they may seek after the best for all people

and Your creation.

May they learn graciousness at Your hand

that values those

whose needs are often ignored.

In Your embrace,

may the troubles of our world find rest

and Christ’s love reign

in all of life.


Sunday 3rd July 2016 – Pentecost 7C (3)

Offertory Prayer

God our helper,

You are faithful to us

in every aspect of our lives.

You bring light

to the darkness

of all that seems impossible.

We find there is dancing to be done,

as You walk amidst our mourning

and point out the celebrations

In what we give this day,

may others find Your presence

turning over the tables

of the situations they face

and meeting You

in the possibilities

that Jesus brings.


Sunday 3rd July 2016 – Pentecost 7C (2)

Opening Prayer

Mothering Creator,

In Your embrace

we rejoice.

You draw us close to You

that we are warmed,

and fed and nourished

by the nearness of Your presence.

Your voice bills and coos

until the noise to the world evaporates

and only the stillness of You being surrounds.

Comfort flows like a river,

swelling with our tears and sorrow,

and then moving us from the pains we experience

to new moments of learning and discovering.

We rejoice

in Your embrace.


And lest we get to settled,

in the tide of change of life

You call us to our responsibilities.

You have offered an invitation

to be the stewards of all that surrounds,

and so we remember those times

when we have not played our part.

Creation may be beautiful,

but conserving what we need

becomes less of a priority

when ease and convenience suit us better.

Making other welcome may enrich our lives,

but it proves difficult

if it unsettles our expectations of position

As  those who long to assured of Your love

we recognise when we have failed to live lovingly.




Patient Parent,

You hurry into our lives

and while your rebuke may unsettle us,

You offer forgiveness

that urges us back into the world,

in the name of Jesus Christ,

Our Lord and Saviour.


Sunday 3rd July 2016 – Pentecost 7C

Call to Worship

Shout for joy,

and sing the Lord’s praise.

As sun shines,

and wind blows;

as rains falls,

and gale disturbs,

may we notice

the activity of the Creating Spirit

shaping and enticing our world

towards its praise of the Eternal One.


Drawing back the water from the shore,

and pulling from the dust of the earth

at the rocks, and plants,

all living things,

the Creator invites us

to rejoice in and with Him

and welcome our part

in the stewardship

of earth.

Let’s praise the Lord,

and may the song of earth and heaven

chime in harmony together,

as we enjoy our shaping at the hand of the Lord.


Let us worship God.