Sunday 28th May 2017 – Easter 7A – Ascension Sunday (4)

Glorious God,

we worship You

for while the heavens are beyond our grasp,

You have chose to dwell within our lives.

In Your presence majesty is revealed

as all are offered welcome and love

around the heavenly table.

You have revealed the depths of Your love

in the life and death of Jesus Christ,

and the soaring heights in the resurrection and ascension.


We come in prayer to sit between

the life and purpose of Christ,

and seek the intention of our tasks

that that our words, thoughts and actions

may declare Christ’s presence

in all of life.

We pray today for those

who are awaiting transforming change

that will give them a sight of a different future

than the present that they inhabit.


We remember those who are prisoners,

and remember the different circumstances in which people find their freedom removed.

Praying for those who have perpetrated crime,

knowing that circumstance and nurture are not always easy for some,

and hoping that the life to which people return offers new ways of being.

Praying for political prisoners,

we recognise the discontent that was riled against,

and seek a world where all are treated fairly.

Praying for those imprisoned

and used and abused

by those who see their bodies as commodities,

we long for compassion from the perpetrators

and freedom for those who hurt.

Praying for those who are imprisoned by ill-health and physical ability,

may their needs be met,

that they may know life in all its fullness.


Sunday 28th May 2017 – Easter 7A – Ascension Sunday (2)

High and heavenly One,

raised from the ground,

then raised to heaven,

we praise You.

For far beyond our understanding,

You came to dwell amongst humanity,

that the presence of God would be met

in the hands and voices of Your living Presence.

In the parting of the clouds

that took You from our midst

space was created

in which to prepare human hearts

to tell and share the story of Love.


Too heavenly minded that sometimes we are of no earthly use,

for in seeking to emulate the precious wall of the Eternal Kingdom,

we forget compassion and care.

Eyes on the clouds

we stumble with careless words and actions,

or neglect the world in which we live.


As forgiveness revitalise our live,

make us passionate for the whole of creation,

that our lives may speak of the fullness of God.


Sunday 28th May 2017 – Easter 7A – Ascension Sunday

As we meet

will we allow God to rise within our worship,

and scatter the thoughts that crowd

and keep us from the divine presence.

Will the smoke screen of our imagined busyness clear

so that jubilant praise can be sung.


Lets sing our songs,

and may our praise carry on the clouds,

that all will know the protection of the vulnerable

that comes in the name of the Eternal.

Let the care of the Creator I’ve home

to those who have been lost.


Come sing to the Ancient one

who brings new life

in the turning of time.