Holy Week 2022 – Monday 11th April – Wednesday 13th April

Monday 11th April

Call to Worship

God delights in his chosen One.

Jesus Christ will bring justice to the nations

God’s chosen one does not cry out or lift his voice,

he does not bruise creation,

or put out life’s light.

Jesus Christ works faithfully for justice.                   

God, who is creator of all,

who gives breath and life and energy,

leads his people to be a light to the nations.

Jesus Christ reveals to needs of the world.

Based on Isaiah 42: 1-9


From the noise and cheer of Palm Sunday,

You, God of life,

draw us into the full expression of humanity,

and lead us to stand in the face of anger.

On the Monday of Holy Week

You bring us back to our Temple,

a space where Your story wraps around us

in the experiences we have shared with others here.

You bring us to an ancient Temple

where the experiences of faithful worship

shaped the life of a community.

You bring us to face the tension of Your kingdom 

and our world.

Tonight we recognise those moments

when we have thought we held all the answers,

and been unwilling to listen to the wisdom of others;

when we have not valued the stories of another’s life

and trumped them with our own;

when we have felt belittled and unvalued

and so withdrawn into ourselves

and kept our talents for ourselves.

Spirit of God,

embodied in Christ’s life

and in our actions,

You seek out the parts that we hide from each other

declaring vulnerability strength.

We come to be bold in Christ’s name,

and to recognise the tables 

that still need to be overturned.


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