Sunday 6th August 2017 – Narrative Lectionary

These are for the third week in the Sacraments Series – Psalm 65 & 1 Corinthians 11: 17-34


Opening Prayer

Praise awaits You, O Lord,

from Zion

to the ends of the earth.

Praise pours forth from our lips

as You enrich

the world around us

with water,

and bring fruitfulness to seed, plant and creature.

As summer fades,

the harvest of the handwork of summer

paints the canvas of fields and gardens.

Praise pours forth

for the strength of the seas,

roaring their disruption,

as land patterns shift and form at Your command,

and passengers are caught in the waves,

playing, working, captured in nets.

Praise pours forth,

as night follows day,

and carousing becomes the bird song of the morning,

telling of the wonder

that will be explored in the dawning light.


Bickering and criticising are easy patterns for our thoughts and words.

We notice the flaws, blemishes and problems

long before beauty seeps in under our skin.

We hurl angry words

full of contempt

for our situations,

failing to notice those in need around us,

or a world that does not know easy access to food, wealth, and compassion.

When praise does not fall from our lips,

You choose to draw closer,

until selfish human passion

gives way

to the dignity of humility.




In forgiveness,

You Saving Grace,

overwhelm us.

You look past all we have failed in,

and welcome us,

accept us,

and make room for us to share Your story,

revealing heaven in the darkest places of life.




Prayers of the People

Liberating Lord,

we have gathered this day

to express our praise and thanksgiving

in Your presence,

for Your are the one

who wipes our tears

and salves our blemishes,

recreating us

for Your purpose.

You are the one

who places bread upon our tables

and invites us to eat

that we may know fulness and plenty

to share.

You are the one

who quenches our thirst

with the burst of grapes,

that we may sing and shout of Your wonders,

calling all to find their hope in Your embrace.

You are to be praised

for making space at the table

for the lost and the least,

when others would pass by.


Gathered round Your table

You call us to notice and to pray for each other,

and for the world in which we are placed.

Caught in an eternal moment,

our thoughts are trapped in time

with knowledge of home and news

that You welcome in prayer.


In the midst of this holiday season,

we pray for those who are not with us

but instead refreshing themselves

for the passage into autumn and winter.

While some will have enjoyed the scenery of local shores,

we pray especially for those

who are holidaying and living in the heatwave of the continent.

While the heat rises around them,

may the inner heat of anger be quelled by you.

In the scarcity of water,

may compassion dwell,

recognising the needs of all around.


As the school summer holidays enter their final week,

we pray for those who are awaiting exam results.

May we rejoice in achievement,

but also recognise effort and attempt.

Calm fraught hearts and minds

to see new opportunities and possibilities

when expectations are not met.


In this place of hope and plenty,

we remember those whose tables will be empty today,

whose futures will not be certain,

whose ambitions cannot be achieved.

Open our eyes to look beyond our own experiences,

to challenge the governments and companies

who do not offer support and education

to all.


As our praise rings,

may it sing with the voices of the past,

who have sung of Your love

and lived out Your grace.

May we follow their path to Christ.



Offertory Prayer

Christ of the broken bread,

and the red wine,

You have offered these gifts

that we might discover Your creation

within our very being.

The work of our hands,

the gifts of our talents

are placed upon Your table,

ready to be blessed

and broken

for sharing in the world.
