Sunday 13th April 2014 – Palm/Passion Sunday (3)

I’m looking at past material for this week, and I think that this is mostly mine.   If you spot bits of yours know that I am thankful for your inspiration.


Lord of waving branches

and paths strewn with the cloak of burden cast aside,

You ride into each moment of creation

and the world around responds to your presence.

With song and dance,

cheering and merriment

the waiting throng

receives the wash of Your love

as Your wander in the midst.

With story You revitalise.

With healing touch

You revive.

In silence

You embrace the inner fears and doubts.

In this moment

Your presence enlivens us

to be bold and spirited

in living out our faith in You.


Lord of the waving branches

while here in the crowds

we enjoy the humour and delight of Your presence,

Your story reminds us

that You are the one

who invites us to cast the cloak of burden aside

and instead allow You to share with us the fears,


and anger.


For you are the Lord

who threw over the tables in Your frustration

that advantage was being taken.

Forgive us when we take advantage of others

because of their age or lack of experience.


You are the Lord

who humbled himself

to take on the burden of humanity.

Forgive us our pride.


You are the Lord

who was scourged, mocked and scorned.

Forgive us when we become frustrated with people around us

and fail to allow them courtesy for their failings.


You are a loving God,

who knows our weaknesses and our failings.

In the light of Your love

You offer us Your mercy and forgiveness.


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