Sunday 30th August 2020 – Pentecost 13 (Off-lectionary)

Call to Worship

On this day, and with our voices raised,

we gather in the presence of God;

  and with all of our hearts we praise God.
In the highs and in the lows,

with our faces to the wind or the sunshine on our backs,

we praise God who walks with us,

we praise God who does not turn away from us.

In our worship, we prepare ourselves for meeting in God’s presence;

we may kneel or sit, as God prepares a feast.

Come and be satisfied,
and my God dwell in our lives forever.

Based on Psalm 22: 25-31

Opening Prayer

Shepherd of life,

You draw us close.

You speak tender words of invitation,

that offer us a place within Your fold

even when we think we do not belong.

In the midst of fear and anxiety,

You offer a clear path

that brings light and hope.

When emptiness and hunger stalk

You offer the food

that restores

heart, mind and body.

The table You prepare

is overflowing with the sustenance 

for every part of life.

Light in the darkness,

shining into the depths of our souls,

You notice the hidden corners

where we hide the pain and sorrow

of our encounters with creation

and each other.

When the guilt of the words we have said

or the actions we have taken

lays us low,

You traverse the shadowed valley with us

until our words and thoughts are transformed

to bear the love of Christ to others.

Spirit of the journey,

guide us on the winding path,

that we may meet You 

in the the pastures of this day

and this week,

and there may we share 

in the fertile telling of Christ’s story

in our world.


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