Sunday 28th March 2021 – Palm/Passion Sunday

Opening Prayer

Through the noise of the world,

the cries of children,

the shouts of adults,

the screams of excitement,

the yells of unbelief,

You, Donkey-riding King, wander.

The gates of Jerusalem,

the gates of hearts,

the gates of Holy Week,

all thrown open,

as the crowds of faithful announce Your presence

to the world.

Coats strewn before You,

branches to make the path less rough,

all revealing on this day

the passions and hope of people

who have found their heartfelt need met 

in Your actions of love and compassion.

God of the celebration,

we praise You in the moments of celebration,

and in quiet solitude.

In the uncertainty of Your passion

we are inspired and guided

to wonder at the mystery of Your humanity,

the frail and wounded flesh

that overcomes the darkness of death.

On this day of celebration,

the darkness of what is yet to come

weighs heavy on the horizon.

We imagine ourselves 

as those waving our branches,

and throwing our coats before You,

and fail to notice

when we have turned our back upon You

present in the world today.

Where were we when the hungry needed fed;

when the homeless sought a coat;

when racism created another outsider;

when food wrappers added to the worlds pollution.

We are careless in our living,

and find our world overturned

by the forgiveness You gift

before we are ready.


With out stretched arms,

Christ forgives us.

With wounded hands,

Christ makes us whole.

With a loud cry to God,

Christ calls us to life.
